How many times have ear to him that phrase, thrown, announcement, or
what? The portions, I am safe. So much is used because the salesmen know that
homemade remaining and the manufacture of the money is the encariƱado dream of million people.
And why no? You knew that the majority of fatal attacks of the heart happens
in 9 mornings Monday in the morning? It is truth. It seems that much people
to die something that returns to the old routine after a weekend of the freedom.
So when somebody offers an opportunity or a plan so that you take his work and
to push it, still to make money yet to live and to pay all accounts enough, he
happyly irrestibles sounds.
By all means, the happiness and the reality are always two diverse things. It is
really possible to work a business of its own home that is more than a
odd habit or source of rent per hours? You can secure the rich elaboration of his
to own to house? You negotiate really his cubical and necktie for the Texan ones can and
the guarida comfort of its own one?
Well, for Your Information, the home-based businesses is one of fastest
classes growing of companies in
about 40 million Americans are making at least a certain form are solved of his
the homes, and the numbers are rising fast. According to the
The work department, as much as 70 million people of will be elaboration of
its homes by year 2005. The studies of the government have indicated that like
as 75% of all work much fact in this country could be moved possible
The overwhelming majority of the homemade workers, nevertheless, is not obtaining exactly
rich. The American half of the work-in-home gains less than $15,000 per year.
That can not be bad as I supplement full-time to the rent of a husband, but
we in front do, fifteen magnificent ones to him of in case it is not far better that poverty.
As main Dr. Jeffrey Lant of the salesman and the author said: “Frank, never I saw
cualquie advantage to remain the home and to being poor. “
Lant, outside as much as calling card, became a work-in-home
the millionaire, and is a perfect example of what truth can be reached if you
to be serious on the arrojamiento of its work of the day, to remain homemade, and the establishment stops
peanuts in exchange for its freedom. You can have it everything -- you can remain
the home and does so much -- and more -- the money that its present work provides
In this report, we are going to skirt and to discuss five dominant rules in how
in order to work in the country and to make the dinerales, it does not matter where you live. After these
five rules, we will speak of the most important aspect of any business,
if home-a giant factory is based or -- liquidity flow. Beginning his
to own business outside its home is everything on attitude and the inspiration, but
all the attitude in the world will not help him without the money!
1. It takes the commission
He is secret in
after the study tries that the majority of people simply fears going to work Monday
the morning, and she lives for the freedom of the weekend. But even that
the freedom is not pure because we know that he is only temporary. He is hard
in order to enjoy the Sunday at night in which the awakener is Monday in the morning hardly some
hours far.
It has sense that people hate her works. Newspaper, is much
end that is kissed that it needs to be done. There are the endless meetings that
not to obtain anything generally. There are unsubstantial interruptions, many
mandilando to this way and, and the portion of supervisors of the idiot who do not do anything but
to waste its time and later to persecute to him not to obtain its part of the work.
There are fellow workers that you hate, and who would stab to him in the later part in a
minute if it meant an increase for them instead of you.
When you work for some other, you live a life regimented. Its body can
not to want to rise in 7 mornings, but you must be in the work by 8 mornings so you
to yaw outside bed with a full head of dream.
The people who choose to work in the country are doing more than as soon as the escape
yoke of its master; she has done deep, a company/signature, life-altering the decision
which says that the health, the happiness and the prosperity depend vital on
freedom to work for we ourself, and when doing that in the comfort of the home.
We want to accentuate really that fact that to be right in a
situation of the work-in-home, you less do not have to be nothing than a fanatic; a
defender, who is trusting completely to make work-in-home not only a
right company, but a deep commission for the life. You must be
convinced that a return to an outer work of the office would be the equivalent of
a sentence to the spiritual capital punishment.
Much people hate her works of the office, but she has made a commitment internal
with themselves. It has been convinced that its work is “not so
the bad one, “pays the accounts, and that can stick towards outside because they have.
If you want to be true right in the abandonment of his work of the day, she cannot
to be any site for such commitments in its soul. You must take
attitude that to work in its odious work is more of length related to soiling
his to be internal with a spiritual will of the cancer patient puts itself and he kills to him.
2. Elimination of the mentality of the Home-Office
In order to move our home of the work, nevertheless, it does not mean that we only eliminated each
thing on the traditional American office. Something, we must select what
he is useful and which is not.
It is an error to stop its work and to go to house with a mentality of the “home-office”.
By this we meant the small thought, and the belief that you automatically
to sacrifice one rents decent in exchange for its freedom. Please! Not to do
to think small!
In order to quote Jeffrey Lant again: “Too many home-based fall of doctors a
to understand the advantages that increase due to the professional style they
they have selected. They concentrate in “the homemade” part of the business something that
the “business” portion, and consequently condemns the small rents.”
The work in the country provides many advantages. We can save long time because
we did not need to exchange and we have more control on our schedule. We
it can save many costs because we do not have the requirements of above of
greater businesses. We can cut our tension -- and to have so more energy --
because we avoided many of the problems characteristic of the life in the slow one
office of the twentieth century. We must work these advantages to our benefit.
3. Its headquarters of the International
German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that if you only feel in the country in
its table of empty, possible kitchen, the “entire world will come to you.”
Well, you today do not need the great mind a philosopher to do
the entire world enters its living room. What you need you are a telephone cat.
We live awhile in unique in history. Satellites, fiber optic,
the integrated circuit and other miracles of the communications mean that you can be
just around anywhere in the developed world and to contact with
any person.
The telephone, the fax machine, the computer, the modem -- all these are
not only affordable by citizen cualquie of the middle-class; they are key a
eliminating its necessity to lead a freeway without daily anxious toll to arrive at a place
of the business outside its home.
With these devices in our disposition, we must allow “we thought us
global. “Too much often, the home-based businesses concentrate in the narrowest market,
the vicinity, the county, the city or state. This one is very well if you are
providing a local service and to be contented with certain moderate level of
rent. But you want the dinerales, you you do not have to think small. Also,
you do not have to think that, as soon as because home-bases to him, you cannot
to compete with the great individuals.
The intention of any business is to look for determines and looks for each possible one
market for its products and services, to verify if these markets
to have the capacity to buy these products/services, to determine there if
it is the sufficient benefit in these markets to authorize the approach of them, and,
once the burden is positive has become, to start up a continuous commercialization
to campaign that secures a percentage significant of this market to buy
product or service in the question.
Their homemade machines of the telecommunications not only will allow him to do this,
but they can also help him to crush traditional the greater, most uncomfortable one
businesses that are their competition.
Like home-based industralist, you will not have all the disadvantages of
its more traditional competitors: ninguĆ n rent, equipment or cost of the office;
no employees to pay to pays and the complementary benefits; no ignited lost hour
meetings, problems of the employee, paid ill license, etc.
All the money that their competitors pass in the heating of the office and the purchase
the furniture could be passed in the real commercialization itself better.
Like home-based business, they will place to him already where
the traditional business is fighting present to move: towards lowest
possible indirect expenses and the greater possible concentration of dollars ignited
products/development of the service and commercialization of the product/service.
Therefore, a home-based business is useful complete three I put important of
success of modern business:
(1) reduced extremely superficially
(2) readily accessible to a global market
(3) complete advantage of telecommunications.
Not to have the basic toys of the telecommunications -- computer, modem, fax, and
the telephones are impossible stupid. However, even in this day and age, many of
people are against strong an element that is doubtless the heart and
cualquie brain right homemade business -- the computer. The computer is so
important in fact, we have done him a category all the itself.
And to remember, learning to use a modern computer is easier that learning a
to drive a car, so you do not have any excuse not to sink ahead.
4. The computer
You must pay the much attention to which the computers for you in his can do
plans to save its work and to do that their dreams of the work-in-home come truth.
The people who want to work a homemade business have a very small personnel generally -- in
fact, a one personnel -- same you! The rest of its needs is handled close
the independent contractors, following the business class you are inside and
the services that you need.
In order to work a serious, true business homemade global, a computer is as necessary like
oxygen is to the Earth life. Those that try to be deceived in the thought
they will never do that a serious one goes of its business home-based without a
the computer is confused sadly.
The computers give two primary advantages him:
(1) they allow to store him you seed amounts of data and to classify them by data
to place so that you can easily secure the information that you need.
(2) they allow to develop a document him of the landlord for each situation
you will be never inside in his business. In order to work a home-based business
successfully, you must anticipate you will hardly emerge what situation and
to prepare itself therefore.
A business is based on a series characteristic of situations and a
system of the characteristic of the things that happen -- or that does not happen. You
it must be preparation with the appropriate document for each situation. Once you
they have established all the protocols, and they have undergone all the situations
associated to its class of business, the time will come when working his
the business is, partly great, a repetition of certain dominant tasks. Computers
to be everything on the manipulation of the repetition quickly and efficiently.
But the computer is much more. Today, connecting a computer with
the line of telephone with a modem, its machine becomes more than a data storage
system and repeating tratante of the task. One becomes a multitask, of multiple levels
communications that process the center that it connects to him with the globe.
Things such as email, the services onlines, the Internet, the Web and more
it cannot help but it is made revolutionize the business of the way. If you do not do
a part of her becomes today, you you are certainly going to suffer greatly for her
in the future next.
If there is an effective way to put products in the Internet or anyone
the other place in line, nobody is shortage truth still. The unique people
making the money in the commercialization of the Internet be the people who are sale
concept to do it. If you have a product or a service and she waits for a to them
to reach to million buyers through the computer screens, you are sadly confused.
The Internet is definitively where many innovating things are happening.
It is a great place to interchange ideas, discovers what warms up, which is not, and
to remain in the edge which is its particular business.
5. Its hours of office
If you have been paying the attention to the first four points, you well are ignited
its way to make a proprietor of home-based business right. Now we do not do
to want that blew you it thinking to him can keep the hours from the banker.
The global market is of 24 hours by market of the day, and a day 365 per year
market. To leave the others they sleep Saturdays behind schedule and they clear Sundays.
Those times could be their day to move and to put in a corner loads of clients that
the another lack.
You must rise previous and stop the work more ahead. You must be open stops
the business the holidays and is available 24 hours to the day or personally or
with its service of answer.
“But to wait for a minute” you can be that she thinks to this point! “I thought that
the work in the country was everything on the freedom and an end to the servitude. This sounds
like nothing but endless work! “
Well, it is the thing here. For most of you that stopped their regular works to go
in order to work for, you will discover something magical. You will discover
that when you are working for, when you are constructing his the own ones
business, much what you do not seem absolutely like work.
The great writer Jane Roberts said, the “inspiration is his own motivator.”
The operation of its own business is everything on the inspiration 24 hours to the day. When
you stop selling of his body and soul to certain company or corporation and
to begin to give its energy, work has a way of turning in
inspiration and game.
The perfect work for you you are the one yet that you do not think about like work,
to do makes it the money and provides with you the bread and the shelter with the life.
You will see as which is if you get at a true commission to be one same one
employee, to put all their energy in her, and the small stick with him for the lasting one.
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